Tuesday, December 29, 2015

FAQs About Selling AVON + Answers

THIS IS THE COMPANY that puts mascara on lashes and food on the tables. That fights wrinkles with one hand and Breast Cancer with the other. That knows the value of a perfect lip, but still opens its mouth and speaks out against Domestic Violence and for women’s financial independence. This is the company that not only brings beauty to doors, but also opens them. The company that supports more than 6 million Representatives in over 100 countries. This is AVON. The company that for more than 125 years has stood for beauty, innovation, optimism and above all for women.

Some of the FAQs inquired by potential new Representatives:

How do I get started?

It takes just 5 minutes to sign up! Fill out a registration form {Use Reference Code ssandis at the bottom of the form} and choose your tools to set up your online business immediately. Just $15 gets you started and makes you an official AVON Independent Sales Representative. To learn about any additional costs associated with being an AVON Representative, click here.

What happens after I sign up?

You’ll be directed to the New Representative Center – your go-to resource for immediate info and support. Your welcome kit will be mailed to you. You’ll also be contacted by your AVON Sales Leader {that would be me!} AND your District Sales Manager to welcome you, answer every question, and guide you as you start up your business. Basically, you have a ton of support!

Can I earn back my start-up fees within 30 days?

Most AVON Representatives do! Simply by launching their business to family and friends, start-up costs are covered – plus earnings. The tools and programs available to a new representative help get you off to a great start.

How much can I make selling AVON?

Your earnings match your efforts, and your passion. You have the opportunity to grow your earnings as you grow your sales. Build on your success by inviting people into the AVON business and earn on recruiting efforts and team sales. Your success is unlimited!

How do I place orders?

AVON provides free online training courses through the AVON University. These courses are highly recommend as they are incredibly helpful and will even do a mock order so you can feel confident when the time comes to place your first order. When selling face-to-face, simply collect payment with your Customer’s order, then place the order via your New Representative portal online. Products will be sent directly to you to then deliver to your Customers. For your Customers ordering online, through direct delivery, you’ll receive payment and earnings through direct deposit or as a credit to your AVON account – that’s it!

How can I be successful?

Building relationships is at the heart of our business. Whether it be face-to-face, or online,selling AVON gives you the opportunity to build on the relationships you already have – and help you create new ones. Add to that a love of beauty, a passion for success, and all the amazing support you receive when you become a Representative, and you’re on your way for unlimited rewards and success.

Can I be successful selling online only?

Yes! AVON is fully integrated in social media so there are tons of opportunities to promote your business through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and more. Plus, AVON has its own mobile APP so you can connect with and grow your client base from your smart phone to make money any time, anywhere.

What is direct selling?

It’s about direct contact with your customers, being your own boss, and having your own business. You can work independently, or with a team. You can work from home and create the work/life balance that’s just right for you and your family. However you choose to sell you’ll be part of a warm, welcoming community of people and beauty lovers just like you.

If you have any additional questions or would like me to cover anything else, please contact me and/or comment below. Thank you and I look forward to working with you and guiding you toward your planned success!

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